Monday, August 13, 2012

Health Journey: Month Four

Hello, hello! I'm updating from a hot, epsom salt-filled bath due to the fact my right knee is acting up again! I was having issues with it during my first month, too. I hope it's just a tiny hiccup because I don't want to slow down! ;)

I've noticed a pattern with my weightloss. Two weeks struggle with losing anything, then two weeks I shed. I'm not complaining, but I need to remind myself when I'm frustrated feeling like "it's not working." It is! So last month I said I was hoping to lose another 10lbs (making a total of 31) in a month, but that didn't happen. I also set out what I thought was an achievable goal at total loss of 29lbs. TWENTY-EIGHT! One pound! Boo.

I'm actually FINE with it. Normally, I'd be beating myself up, but I'm proud at the loss so far. I am really getting to a point where I'm reading my body better. Which is why I can tell I've been retaining water. I've made it a new "goal" to pay closer attention to my sodium intake to avoid holding onto water weight. It's all good. :)

My eating has been pretty on-point, but in the past two weeks I've been struggling with funky sleeping (lack of) and not feeling like spending hour upon hour at the gym. I guess I've been going through cycles! Today, a start of a brand new two weeks, I'm planning on putting in extra gym time. Last week I put in about seven, this week I'm aiming for ten.

Ah, back to the 8lbs lost... My trainer said all of that loss was fat and not muscle! Woohoo! In the past I've lost lean muscle here and there. I'm also down 16".

Even though the scale measures my accomplishments, right now I'm focused on BACKFAT! Ha. I am hoping to not see a hunk of fat back there soon! Soon... Or in the next few months. ;P

I have two sessions left with my trainer. I won't be continuing with her for the time being since it's costly, I feel like I've learned invaluable things from her, and I have a good support system which also helps with accountability.

Anywho! I'm feeling good, feeling proud, clothes are fitting better and still feel determined.

Switching to shower-mode!


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